Thursday 5 February 2009

Another cold

Emmet is down with a cold again. I keep reminding myself it is just a cold….it is just a cold…

But no…I still can’t sleep at night. I might keep a straight face for the people but being a mother, it is still just so heartbreaking seeing your child sick in his bed, trying to breathe through his congested tiny nose.

And thinking when should I change his nappy because he fell asleep before I could change him. And when he wakes up, should I give him a cough medicine and paracetamol? And I need to give him his inhaler puffs as well. I can just imagine what the battle would be like.

And more heartbreaking when he coughs up in the middle of his sleep and call out “Mammo!” dengan suara serak-serak basah dia tu.

Even now, I am sitting beside his bed upstairs, brought my laptop with me so that when he cries in his sleep I am here to pat him back to sleep.

While I was patting him earlier, I looked out the window and saw flashing lights from an aeroplane and thinking Emmet would’ve loved to see the aeroplane. He would scream excitedly with his loud voice “Tiyyyaaaa!!” his nickname for aeroplane.

It’s been quite a while since he last saw an aeroplane in the sky because it’s been snowing and raining for the last few days. Usually when the sky is clear we could easily see the aeroplanes at he front and back of the house that would definitely cheer him up.

I really hope you would get well real soon, Emmet. Coz I can’t wait to tell you about the aeroplane that I saw when you were asleep…


farrahar said...

Emmet will be alright. Don't you worry there. *Hugs*

lott said...

thanks dear...