Emmet: My name is Emmet Khairul Rizal! (clap clap clap)
Me: How old are you?
Emmet: 4 years old!
The picture above was taken immediately after his afternoon nap dengan muka mamainye. But as I mentioned a candle and an oreo, hence the happy face above...
We started off the day with me efficiently baking him his chocolate cake. Yes I made them quite often until I actually memorized the recipe and can mix it in 10 minutes, the time it takes to preheat the oven. That efficient!
Then I felt like making pulut kuning as per tradition of the malays. Why pulut kuning? I think it's because Pulut kuning is considered a special dish for malays back then when the westerners have yet to corrupt us with cakes and candles. Just felt like going traditional once a while.
But nowadays pulut kuning is so boring. So I style them up as in the picture below. Now we're talking pulut that I actually can't wait to put into my mouth! I only have ikan masin in my fridge and I was too many ingredients short to make rendang or serunding. Ikan masin will do. I saved four pices and sent the rest of 2 pots to my sister's office.
Then I brought Emmet to play at McDonalds Kota Damansara while having his lunch (bubur ayam McD). He was so happy playing with this girl, siap hold hands lagi. But the girl was a bit moody (hhmm...kecik2 lagi dah tunjuk. heheh). Well you could say the same with Emmet because when I saw him suddenly went chasing a kid and hit him, that's it, time out! He cried and begged me to let him stay and play. But a rule is a rule honey. Fair play!

And just this morning he suddenly said to me, "Mommy, Emmet nak pegi sekolah!"
Happy 4th Birthday Emmet!
Banyak drama Emmet yea. You are 1 tough mommy!
I'm thinking of getting a tabung for Adam too. Do you think getting him Evil Dr Pork Chop a good idea? Sekarang Adam demam Toy Story and Cars.
Happy 4th birthday Emmet dear! Aunty kasik present giant lipas, nak? ;)
dr pork chop! suke2! dun worry, tak payah samak kalau pegang. haha!
tq aunty, but giant lipas? tidak! mommy yg dapat susah nnt. haha!
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