Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Pregnancy No. 2: 36 weeks

I just discovered on my 4th antenatal check-up that I gained 2.2kg in 2 weeks. That’s how fast my tummy grows during these last weeks and am trying hard to watch my weight (yea right!) as I want to control the weight of the baby so it won’t be as big as Emmet 3.82kg birth.

The doctor was quite encouraging saying that the baby is already engaged and I probably won’t even make it to the next appointment which is due in 2 weeks time. That, I leave it to the Almighty God and won’t comment on the time. All I can do now is pray for a smooth delivery.

My hospital bag is packed, documents are signed and ready for admission. Mom is coming in 2 weeks time. Everything is pretty much ready now that I have learnt how to compromise with the mess in this small apartment, at least until the new baby learns how to pick things up and shove them in its mouth. But now, I just couldn’t be bothered. I refuse to let petty things get to me. Otherwise I know I’d go crazy and moody. Everything is everywhere, toys are everywhere except the kitchen and the bathroom. Laundry is on the sofa. Catalogs are on the floor, newspapers in lots of places. You can even find a clothes peg in the fridge and I am calm about it.

I still cook, clean up the kitchen, do the dishes, do laundry, vacuum once in a while, tidy up the room once in a while. Mostly, I spend time managing Emmet and play with him. I’m afraid I won’t have this kind of playtime with him anymore with the new baby coming. I cuddle with him more on the sofa watching cartoons with him when playing is just too exhausting. He plays really hard and ganas, always bumping into my tummy, so I like cuddling more.

Sometimes I feel so light but most of the time I feel like a whale. My bum hurts when getting up from the sofa, my hip hurts when I sleep, my back hurts even more. I must nap after breakfast for 1 hour and Emmet is so understanding about that, he plays by himself and doesn’t bother me. But once I’m awake, he immediately wants company.

Once I had this conversation with Emmet asking him if he wants to drink my milk when the baby is out…

Me: Nanti ada baby Emmet nak susu Mommy? (pointing at my breast)
Emmet: Bukan…..Susu baby…
Me: Emmet nak jugak tak?
Emmet: Tanak…kinyaaaammm…(patting his tummy)

Hahaha…ape lah Emmet!


farrahar said...

OMG 36 weeks ALREADY????? So fast! Hope you have a safe and smooth labor.

Nak bersalin kat mana tu?

lott said...

thanks beb. insya Allah kat Tropicana Medical Centre, belakang flat aku je about 2 minute drive. hehe...mahal pun mahal la janji dekat.

Hirda Ibrahim said...

dh 36 weeks?
rs mcm br je bc yg lott preggy 2nd bb.
Hope selamat semua...

Unknown said...

Don't forget to announce k :) Good Luck!!

Adie said...

wow! Gudluck k. Lily! Bestnye!

lott said...

k.ida: tq! tu la cepat je kan 9 bulan.

yanie: insya Allah akan diannounce. u take care.

adie: tq beb! u enjoy dulu adief lama2 sikit kan...

Abah & Ibu said...

wow...dah nak fast...anyway take care