Finally I've visited a clinic for my first antenatal check up. It was just a clinic nearby my apartment. I saw a bubbly lady doctor who took one glance at Emmet and asked if he is asthmatic and allergic.
And before I even realized, Emmet is already up on the exam bed beside me, carefully examining the ultrasound scan machine that was run on my tummy. So together we watched the baby on the tele above us. Emmet joined in the comments about the baby once in a while, fairly excited I supposed. The baby was squirming here and there but unfortunately the doctor couldn't make out the gender yet (maybe because it's a girl) .
I felt so relieved seeing there's an actual baby inside me. I sometimes have fears that I am imagining it or something else is growing inside me. The baby is well, two arms and two legs, a head and a body, very prominent backbone.
Adam pun suka menyibuk with me on the examining bed. Dia takut the doctor will do something weird on me haha!
Oh wow!! Congrats
far: aku rasa emmet yg akan buat something kat aku. haha
kar: tq beb!
Congrats lott!Relly happy for you!
But be very careful with the pandemic (eh ke epidemic??).
Hope everything going to be good for u and family.
tq aci! thats nice of u. tu la aku pun dah jarang keluar. keluar pun kejap2 je n not to shopping malls. takuuutt!
Lott.. congrats!!! hehehehe after so long kan baru nak comment congrats but aku dah congrats wayyy before kan :).
Take good care of urself, baby, emmet n daddy. I'll pray for our safe journey :). InsyaAllah
TQ spik! likewise. byk2 la kita berdoa n bersabar ye...
lott! You're back? I dah lama tak baca your blog. Bila nak catch up ni?
hi nina! tu la i buzz ur ym no reply pun. i pun lama cuti blogging nih. malas pulak time2 pregnant nih. hehe
sure ke u buzz me? tak dpt apa pun. Anyways, try during weekdays office hours. Am usually online. Your ym lott79 ke? Can't seem to locate in the long list ni.
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