Complete with a baby cot that canbe converted to a single bed. A closet to put all baby clothes. Emmet punya clothes pun dah sama banyak dengan Mummy punye clothes. Daddy punya clothes dah double our clothes put together. So No.2 has to have dia punya closet sendiri. Changing table with drawers below. A mini sofa for No. 2 to sit when No.2 is older. Matching curtains and blinds. Mobiles. Murals. Bla…bla…bla…
2. Baby monitor
Something like this would be great. I have the usual non-monitor one but yang ni lagi best boleh tengok no. 2. Can even spy on people, jiran ke, husband sendiri ke. Hehe…

3. Phil & Ted stroller
At first I thought, kesian la yang duduk bawah kene habuk. But actually it’s not so bad la considering we would only be strolling indoors. The only thing is it’s so expensive. Hence it’s in the wishlist.
4. Sling
Eversince I saw Farrah has one for Adam, I so want it but that time Emmet is already a big boy. So waiting for No. 2 to be carried in the sling. I might sew this myself when I get back to Malaysia.
5. Electric breast pump
And eversince I saw Farrah punya sophisticated breast pump iteewww…I have to have one and I intend to stock up like Farrah and Spiker and share the milk with Emmet. I soo hope Emmet will still like my milk then.
6. New car seat
I once saw this car seat that can recline in 7 positions and turn sideways so it is easier for me to put my child on it without badan and tangan I menjadi senget. I can just open the back door, turn the car seat towards me, put my child on it, straps and buckle on, and turn it facing forward. Very handy when your child suka bergusti bila nampak car seat and you pulak have to senget2kan badan and tangan untuk pasang tali yang kadang2 susah nak pasang.

I tried once at my friend’s house 2 years ago and immediately added to my wishlist in my handphone. It’s so heavenly to sit and rock yourself and your baby to sleep in this chair. It rock so smoothly and quietly and effortlessly. Even the stool rocks.
8. Nappy bin
Should’ve bought this one long time ago but dunno la why tak beli2 lagi. It’s just 20-25 euro. So I put this in the No. 2 wishlist because I would very much appreciate if I open the bathroom door or the bin liner and not smell the dirty nappies. They just stink and I would prefer if I don’t have to smell them. And I’m just too lazy to wrap the dirty nappy in individual plastic wrap and then only throw it in the bin. Sangat malas…
9. Swing
This one is optional. But it is nice if something else does the job for you. Like this swing yang pandai pula swing itself. It’s smaller than the usual melayu style electical swing. I can have extra time in the kitchen!
10. Safety gate
Must have especially at the kitchen entrance. I find kitchen a dangerous place for my kid or kids later on since I am so thecareless one. And I don’t want to be using the dining chairs again…
11. Post natal girdle
Hehehe…dunno if it will work for me but I would like to try one. But mahal laa…but I would really like to get my tummy back inside asap!
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