This delicious treats found its way into Emmet's goody bag at a recent birthday party of Nadeen who just tuned 4. I was so excited about this packaging. Why won't I? Just look at the captions all over it!

Emmet was excited too. 'Wow! Ape tu? Crocodile?!'
I gave him one koala-shaped cookie and he munched happily. I gave him another one, fish-shaped cookie. He took one bite. Then gave me a funny face. He sadly returned the other half to me and said, 'Mommy, allergic la...'

Guess what is he allergic to?
Pea flour!
Sorry ORGRAN! Better luck next time! Maybe you should recruit Emmet into your test team if you are serious about making allergy-free food.
Back to Oreo I guess. Sigh!