Been googling and googling and thinking and thinking about this…
I sooo want to get this one.
Well, I figured I could use it for the next baby too, I always have a problem with other car seats. Whether it’s the cheap one that I have now, or the more branded and expensive ones. Semua pun sama. Emmet would end up bumping his head at the car roof, twisting his body awkwardly. It’s not like kids could climb up themselves even if it is the Maxi-Cosi Tobi. Car seat murah pun lagi bagus at least Emmet boleh climb sendiri when he is in the mood.
Like I said before in my
previous entry, it’s on my wishlist. Reviews are near excellent, apart from few saying something about it being loose, I’m not sure what they meant. But here’s why I think I should buy one.
It rotates 90 degrees!

So I can easily buckle up Emmet even if he’s struggling or asleep, with ease. Well, at least easier than other car seats.
It also has 8 reclining positions.
Retail at EUR 245.00 in Ireland. Online deals from UK is from GBP 166.00. Also available on ebay now at GBP 169.00 from UK.
Oh this is on my wishlist too. New item. hehehe....

but quite bad review la...
A friend just bought one a few days ago sponsored by the Irish government since she is a doctor here. I have yet to try it out since we were busy having dinner. But will godek-godek for a few minutes before deciding to buy or not to buy.
HHmmm... mana mau korek duit ni...